
In what part of town do you live?
I live in Pinecrest- not even a full mile away from the farmer’s market.

How long have you lived in the area?
Oh my goodness. Since 2001, it’s been quite a long time. 18 years.

Would you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am 23 years old. I go to the University of Miami. I’m in their graduate program, in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program. I graduated from the University of Florida undergrad in 2018, took a year off, and now I’m in grad school. My favorite thing to do is people watch. That’s my favorite activity. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I’m trying to eat well. I like to practice what I preach. Going to go into medicine, I’d like to know what it takes to have a healthy body. And, so that I’m able to preach that to other people and not be a hypocrite.

How did you get into physical therapy?
That’s a wonderful question. It was my sophomore year of undergrad and I was taking really silly classes, like plants, plagues and people and didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life. I called my mom and we had a little heart to heart. She asked me one question, ‘what is it that you want to spend every day doing?’ A very simple question that I wish I would have asked myself. I told her two things. I want to spend the rest of my life talking to people any chance I get. And, I want to make sure that I’m making a difference in somebody’s life, whether it’s a small one, a big one, it doesn’t matter, but just a difference every chance I get.

She is in the health field as well and she asked, how about PT? I laughed it off at first, and then hung up the phone with her and applied for the undergraduate major. Now I’m starting my big girl schooling to begin my career in PT!

What class or subject are you finding most interesting?
Something that I’ve been really open to learning more about is anatomy. I was really worried about taking the class. A lot of people had scary things to say like, ‘it’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do.’ But, I thoroughly enjoyed it. At this point in my life, at 23 years old, I would have never guessed that I would have learned this much at this point. The amount of things being taught to me every single day is just mind boggling. So – I think the learning component of it right now, more than anything.

What do you enjoy about people watching?
I feel like this goes with why I wanted to do PT. I thrive off other people’s energies. A lot of people that are very near and dear to me, when they’re sad or upset tend to want to be alone or isolate. I’m the exact opposite. I want to be around other people. People watching gives me that excuse to be in the presence of other energies.

Where are your favorite spots to people watch?
One of them is the farmer’s market. I come to the farmer’s market every Sunday. I love the kids, love the dogs, love the people that it attracts. And, I find myself in random places. Last weekend, I was at Art Basel with my parents. Everybody’s all dressed up and decked out. The key is to be wearing sunglasses, preferably ones where you can’t see your eyes.

Did anybody stand out that you remember seeing at Art Basel?
It’s one of those things where you had to be there, but she was wearing this neon highlighter yellow dress with matching highlighter yellow shoes with matching highlighter yellow nails. It was the craziest outfit I’d ever seen in my entire life. But, people can just rock it. Confidence is key – and she killed it. It is just so fascinating to see what people wear. Art Basel is like a drug. It changes everybody. I think everybody becomes a different version of themselves during this week in the city.

How did you discover LNB?
Several different ways. I’ve actually been to your farm. That was fascinating. My sister is good friends with Sara so we went to the farm for a day and we were walking around with the dogs and I got to see all the jackfruits hanging from the trees and the yuca. Then I started becoming an avid farmer’s market goer, and your tent was, is, and always will be the most popular and I just would get in line for the smoothies. I come every Sunday just for that.

Would you tell us about your market ritual?
I always start from the beginning, which to me is the right side – where (Patricia) sells the incense, crystals, and tapestries. I always like to start in the beginning. Even if I park at the end, I’ll hop into her tent for a little while. I like the smells. Then, I will go over a few tents and get a sample of ceviche and guacamole. And then honestly, I shoot straight over to LNB. Then, I will maybe visit with Lamoy, depending on how much time I have, for the vegan food. Even if I’m pressed on time, I always try to make a full circle around. I typically only come to the farmer’s market for the smoothie. I’m really not even kidding. I have to have my weekly dose of LNB fruit.

Do you have a favorite smoothie?
My favorite – I call it the Miami Hurricane is just the orange and green – but sometimes I put a little bit of yellow in the middle. My favorite flavor though. Oh my God, it’s so hard. I think I would go with Sapodelicious, but the Tropikale comes a very close second. I love the ginger in it.

What would make the market better?
The first thing that comes to mind is probably space, but I don’t want to ever get away from Pinecrest Gardens because it’s such a beautiful area. Honestly, I have no criticisms about the market. I thoroughly enjoy it. I talk to my classmates about it all of the time.

What restaurants do you like to go out to?
Today, I went to Daily Bread. I love Daily Bread – I love Greek food. Also, I love anything tacos. Coyo Taco in Brickell is a wonderful place.

What’s Miami’s best kept secret?
The first thing that comes to my mind is Matheson Hammock. Anytime I pass by it and I’m in the car, with anybody besides my family members, I’ll ask if they’ve ever heard of Matheson Hammock. And I’m like, Oh my Gosh, how have you not heard of it? I feel like it is a nice little hidden gem. I like to go and watch the sunset. It’s a beautiful place. I like going right on the edge. If you’re driving in, on your right side is the beach and on the left side is where you can rent the kite boards. I like standing right there and looking out onto the Bay and seeing downtown and all of the buildings. It’s really just a beautiful place to be.

What is a worthy splurge for you?
Good food. Whether it’s monetarily that I’m paying for it or if it’s something like a cheat, like a greasy cheeseburger that’s just so delicious.

What’s a good rainy-day activity?
Board and card games for sure. Cards Against HumanityWhat do you Meme? I like different card games that you can play with multiple players. I also love puzzles. And – if you’re with family, that makes it even better.

Where’s the most romantic spot in Miami?
I’ll double my answer and say Matheson Hammock again. I would if I were to go on a date right this moment, at this time of day, I would be driving over to Matheson.

What philanthropic groups or community events are important to you that you might like to share?
That’s the easiest question you’ve asked me this whole time. Dance Marathon. I believe it’s late March in Gainesville, Florida. It’s a philanthropic event put on by students, in which we raise money for Children’s Miracle Network. I was heavily involved as an undergraduate student. My last year, we raised $3.2 million. That money goes towards the equipment, volunteers and staff at Shand’s hospital in Gainesville, Florida. I will definitely be driving up to Gainesville in March for that.

What is the event like?
Dance Marathon is a 26.2-hour event. We are actually up and standing all of those 26.2 hours for those who can’t. No coffee, no sleep, no nothing. You’re on your feet in the basketball stadium. Every hour on the hour we’re learning different parts of this line dance. And then by the end, we put that line dance into one big line dance. We’ll have 500 students on the court dancing. It’s giving me the chills even thinking about it.

Is there a question that you would like to ask us?
(MG) I have so many. What time do you guys get there to set up? I’ve always wondered.

(A+W) They open the gates at 6:45. It takes about 20 minutes to unload everything from the truck and trailer. We’re usually set up by 8:30.

(MG) No way. It’s just you and Adena that do the major setting up?

(A+W) Yes. But we have a lot of help packing up.

(MG) What made you guys change to the tickets?

(A+W) Every week we try and change one thing and just see if it’s for the better or worse. We’ve refined things so much over the last eight years. The tickets have enabled traffic to flow in a single line so you don’t have to loop back to the cash register.

(MG) Interesting. I love it. I think that was a wonderful thing to do. There’s this ‘anticipation’.

What question would you like to pose to the community?
I’m always so curious to know other people’s life’s mottos. What is your motto? What do you live by? What is that one thing every day you’re constantly thinking about.

(A+W) What is your motto?

(MG) ‘I am I, You are You, and We are We.’ To me, it’s a very important reminder to understand and acknowledge how important it is to love ourselves before we’re able to give that time, attention, and love to other people.