What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
I’m vegan, so I really like Mediterranean foods. I like Daily Bread’s salad bar. In Midtown, the Love Life Café, and in Wynwood – Della Bowls. There’s a lot more vegan food coming out now that is not just salad. As a vegan, people think that’s all we eat.
Bee Heaven Farm, Daily Bread, Della Bowls, Fairchild Tropical Garden, Keez Beez, Love Life Cafe, Russian Bath House, ...
What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
I’m vegan, so I really like Mediterranean foods. I like Daily Bread’s salad bar. In Midtown, the Love Life Café, and in Wynwood – Della Bowls. There’s a lot more vegan food coming out now that is not just salad. As a vegan, people think that’s all we eat.