
What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
We enjoy a lot of them. Recently, we went to Balloo. I really love Caribbean food and they're doing it so cool. It's real small and they don't take reservations, but the food is top-notch and exciting. They had big a pickled slab of chayote squash with this delicious sweet and spicy chutney. I'm fascinated by and have always wanted to grow chayote. I like to see it on a menu sort of showcased like that. We always make our way out to 27 and Mandolin is always one of our favorites. Boia De is really nice, that's sort of near us. Then there are a couple Mexican places down in Homestead that are good. They're almost all in gas stations. 5 Hermanos on 272 and Krome. It's a food truck at a gas station with a couple of tents.


What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
People always ask us and it's a tough one. Boia De for sure. It's such a memorable experience because they actually care. The servers take time to know you and they're not trying to just pump you through. That was the last restaurant we ate at. We like getting takeout from Lobster Shack, south of fifth. One of our perfect afternoons is getting lobster roll takeouts, bringing a bottle of wine, and going to sit in the park with the kids. And, Michael's Genuine is always a crowd pleaser for us.
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