In what part of town do you live?
I’m in West Palm. I’ve been staying at my grandma’s since about November. I have to be very cautious because I’ve been staying with her.
Where are you originally from?
Short Hills, New Jersey – which is about 25 minutes from Manhattan.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, why did you decide to come to Miami?
I’ve always considered Florida a second home because I’ve been coming down here for years. When we were launching my business, one of our main strategies was to do farmer’s markets and get people to try the product. I really liked the Pinecrest Market and Miami was a perfect place because I could stay with my grandma.
What’s it been like working with your dad?
I’m a co-founder with my dad. He handles the production side of things. I handle the marketing, events, and growing our brand. We definitely butt heads occasionally, you know, it’s family. There’s ultimate trust with family. We have different skillsets. You know, I’m very grateful for it.
Have you learned anything about your dad that you did not know before becoming business partners?
How talented he is on the manufacturing side of things. Before this, he was working in the garment center. He had his own business where he was producing women’s apparel. He had experience with machinery and the whole production process. I think he uses a lot of that knowledge in what we’re doing now. Obviously, it’s a totally different product, but it’s definitely extremely valuable knowledge. Without him there, there’s no way this could go on.
Why attracted you to a food business?
I am so passionate about healthy eating. I’ve never really thought of myself as wanting to be in the food business, but I’ve been eating the product for so long at home. I really care about the ingredients that I put in my body. We want to solve a problem and allow people to live a healthier lifestyle
Outside of this business. What do you enjoy doing?
I am a total sports addict. I’ll play golf. I’ll watch my teams. My entire life, I’ve played every sport, every single season competitively. And obviously during the pandemic, I’m streaming a lot of Netflix too.
You drove down from West Palm a couple weeks ago. What was it like coming to the drive through?
It was such a cool experience. I’ve never really seen anything like it. Your product’s so good, it’s amazing how supportive people are and that they drive all the way out to get your smoothies. Your products really made the Pinecrest Market. They are completely clean and absolutely delicious. I wish I had a smoothie every day, because they make you feel so much better. We also picked up the guacamole last time. We drove out, parked right across the street and ate the entire thing.
What’s Miami’s best kept secret?
For me, it’s definitely, Coconut Grove. It’s such an amazing tropical place. You don’t really see that type of town, it’s got so much character. And driving down Old Cutler is so beautiful. If I could live anywhere in Miami, it would definitely be the Grove.
What’s a worthy splurge for you?
Going to like a Yankees’ playoff game.
What do you like to do when it’s raining out?
Watch sports on TV or maybe a show. I’m re-watching Homeland, which is really great.
What philanthropic groups or community groups are important to you that you might like to share?
We donate to Feed the Hungry. For every mix that we sell, we donate one pre-made bar. We have worked with them from a very early stage. Also, The Friendship Circle, which is based in Miami, is a really special organization.
Is there a question that you would like to ask us?
(AK) When did you first begin making smoothies? Was it a family thing that grew into a business or was it just your health journey?
(A+W) The farms are a family thing. Adena is a trained chef and her mission is to share what we grow locally with as many people as possible. She started at the Pinecrest market 10 years ago with a few smoothies. Over time, the recipes have become more refined and the smoothies became a Rainbow.
Is there a question or a challenge that you would like to pose to the community?
Support businesses directly and not through big box stores or eCommerce platforms. As a business owner, you see how difficult it is to maintain a business during Covid times. It means so much to the business owner.
What else would you like to add that I haven’t asked?
Thank you for interviewing me and I appreciate what you guys do for the community. I noticed that from the first time I went to the market.
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